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Fitness classes - adaptive

A range of fully accessible fitness classes for people with disabilities or other medical challenges.

Adaptive fitness classes are for you if you have a disability or are recovering from injury or illness, or simply want to improve your overall health and wellness. Our fitness classes include land and pool based services and personal training.

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Who are these classes for?

These group and individual exercise and fitness classes are for you if you have a physical disability or other medical condition that makes working out a challenge. Courage Kenny fitness, wellness and pool services are for people of all ages and abilities.


About adaptive fitness classes

Pool (aquatic) classes and services are available in physically-accessible, warm-water swimming pools, with a certified lifeguard or instructor on duty.

All group and individual exercise classes are held in an accessible fitness center or studio space. All classes are lead by a trained fitness specialist.

To register for classes or activities, visit CK Active. If you have trouble logging in or registering, contact

If you have completed an assessment and orientation, you can also participate in independent therapeutic exercise and independent fitness center times.  

Conditions treated

Our fitness classes are for you if you have a physical disability or a medical condition which makes working out in a traditional fitness center difficult or embarrassing.

The classes are good for preventing

Secondary health conditions which can make your disability or medical condition worse.

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Source: Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Reviewed by: Joanie Kiminski

First published: 7/2/2019
Last reviewed: 6/26/2019