Sena Kihtir, MD
My specialties:
- Anesthesiology
- Chronic pain management
Professional interests:
- Management, Pain
I perform various diagnostics and therapeutic injections for chronic and acute pain.
Chronic pain conditions may include headaches, neck and back pain, repetitive injuries or pain due to cancer or trauma. We also treat some types of acute pain, such as post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles).
Procedures and conditions treated
- Blood patch
- Botox injections
- Epidural steroid injections
- Facet blocks
- Nerve blocks
- Piriformis injections
- Radiofrequency nerve ablation
- SI joint injections
- Spinal cord stimulator trials
- Spinal diagnostic / injections
- Supartz/Synvisc (knee joint) injection
- Sympathetic nerve blocks
- Trigger point injections
- MD
- Anesthesiology
- Chronic pain management
Educational institutions
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine - Pain Management
- Case Western Reserve University Hospitals
- Lenox Hill Hospital, Cornell University
- University of Istanbul
Years of experience
- 25
Additional languages spoken
- Turkish
Hospital affiliations
- United Hospital
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Patient ratings and comments
The patient experience rating is an average of all responses to questions from our NRC survey. Learn more.
Allina Health participates in many health plan networks. Get details
about our participation in the health plans and programs listed below.
Major health plans we participate in
- Allina Health | Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
- HealthPartners
- Medica
- PreferredOne
- SelectCare/LaborCare
- UCare
- UnitedHealthcare
Other health plans we participate in
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Aetna
- America's PPO
- First Health/Coventry
- Humana
- Hennepin Health (formerly Metropolitan Health Plan)
- PrimeWest
- South Country Health Alliance
- United Behavioral Health
- Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS)
These details are subject to change. Please contact your health insurance company directly to confirm your coverage for any specific Allina
Health provider, such as a physician or nurse practitioner, or a specific facility, such as a hospital or surgical center.
Cost estimates
We can provide an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs for many common health care services. Get your estimate online or
over the phone. For an online estimate,
sign in to your Allina Health
account or continue as a guest.
Be sure to have your health plan ID card handy so we can factor your specific coverage into our estimate.