Allina Health Pharmacy
At Allina Health Pharmacy, we know that getting your prescriptions is an important part of your wellness experience. Our pharmacy team provides expertise and resources to help you with all aspects of your prescriptions. We are committed to your health and well-being.
Your pharmacy experts at Allina Health
Our pharmacy team at Allina Health provides expertise and resources to help you with all aspects of your prescriptions. Your safety and success with your prescribed therapy is supported throughout your health care journey. We fill more than one million orders annually at locations throughout the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota. From ordering and understanding your prescription to insurance billing support and financial assistance, our goal is to provide you with the information and services you need to support your well-being.
Ordering prescriptions
We make it convenient for you to order your prescriptions. Whether refilling a prescription, filling a new prescription or transferring a prescription, we provide options that make the process easy.
Understanding your prescriptions
Your Allina Health Pharmacy team understands that keeping track of your medicines – and knowing how and when to take them – is important to your health. Please review Understanding Your Prescriptions: How to Take Your Medicines Safely at Home for information regarding use of prescription medication.
Specialty pharmacy program
Specialty Pharmacy helps manage your medicine needs if you have a complex medical condition, such as cancer, organ transplant, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory diseases or hepatitis C.
Comprehensive Medication Review
Another helpful service offered at Allina Health Pharmacy is our Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR), where a pharmacist practitioner works with your providers to adjust medications to maximize their effect. Several Allina Health clinic locations offer a special clinic visit where you can talk privately with a pharmacist practitioner about your medicines.
Other medication resources
The following resources provide you with additional information to help you better understand and manage your prescriptions.
Antibiotics: What You Need to Know
Over-the-Counter Medicines Safe to Use during Pregnancy
Insurance and payment
Allina Health Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. We are a provider for most national plans and all plans that are commonly used in the State of Minnesota. Please visit insurance and payment options for more information regarding insurance and payment options for your prescriptions.
Financial assistance
For those who need help paying for prescription medication, Allina Health offers a Prescription Assistance Program. The program is designed to bridge the financial gap so patients can focus on getting better and not worry about how to pay for the medicine they need.
Medication questions?
If you have questions about your medications, contact your pharmacy or the health care provider who prescribed the medicine. As an Allina Health patient, you can send medication questions to your clinic or care team using secure email in your Allina Health account.