Addiction care
About 20 million Americans experience an addiction every year. At Allina Health our team of professionals are leading the way in the treatment of addiction with nationally renowned programs and services that support both physical and mental well-being.
Addiction care at Allina Health
We are glad you're here. At Allina Health, you have an entire team of addiction care experts who are committed to working with you and supporting your well-being. We offer a broad range of services and supports to help you in your recovery and return to wellness.
How to get started
The first step is completion of a comprehensive assessment. Information from the assessment helps your team better understand your needs and identify the best treatment options to support your success and well-being. It also gets you started in treatment.
Visit our assessment for substance use disorder page for more information about the assessment process and how to contact our team.
Addiction care services offered at Allina Health
Inpatient addiction treatment (24/7 care)
Starting inpatient addiction treatment is an important step toward a healthier tomorrow.
Intensive outpatient addiction treatment
For patients with a substance use disorder who do not require medical detoxification or 24-hour supervision.
Virtual addiction therapy (outpatient)
Virtual addiction therapy is a convenient way to access expert care and support on your path to recovery.
Individualized outpatient addiction treatment services
Comprehensive, individualized addiction treatment services and support that can be scheduled around your daily responsibilities and commitments.
Additional addiction care services at Allina Health
Learn more about other addiction services offered at Allina Health:
How to connect
Talk with your health care provider or call our Mental Health & Addiction Connection line, 866-603-0016, for any mental health or addiction service, question or concern, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.