Fitness assessment and profile
Are you thinking of beginning a new exercise program? Or maybe you’ve been exercising regularly and want to see how far you’ve come. Whatever your reason, sometimes it’s easier to set goals if you know your starting point. We’ll help you:
- figure out how fit you are right now
- make personal fitness goals
- get recommendations for a personalized exercise program.
Learn more
What to expect from your fitness assessment
An exercise physiologist will give you some simple tests. He or she will ask you questions about your health and fitness goals. After reviewing the fitness assessment results with you, he or she will give you recommendations for a personal exercise program.
More about your fitness assessment
- The fitness assessment profile is for people who are in good general health.
- Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing you’d wear for exercise.
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Source: Penny George Institute for Health and Healing
Reviewed by: Sue Masemer, MS
First published: 3/7/2017
Last reviewed: 8/4/2021