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Well-child exam

Ensuring happy, healthy kids become happy, healthy grown-ups

You often hear the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child,"  and that’s because it’s true. Parents should have a health care provider as a part of their village to track how your child is growing and developing.

Well-child exams are regular checkups, starting just after your child is born and continuing through young adulthood. We’ll chart your child’s development – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, elated or unsure about the journey of parenthood, we encourage and welcome you to share your feelings. Our providers are here for you and your child to celebrate milestones, answer questions and discuss any concerns.

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What is a Well-Child exam?

Our providers will help you learn about the stages your child is going through.

When your child is a newborn and baby, these appointments will be more frequent than when your child grows older. Your provider will talk with you about your child's milestones, eating and sleeping patterns, ways to keep your child safe and what you can expect as your child continues to grow.

Important immunizations to keep your growing child healthy also occur during well-child exams, beginning at the 2-week-old visit.

More about Well-Child exams

Remember, when it comes to your child, there are no silly questions. Think of these visits as an opportunity to share. Many providers are parents themselves, and can understand what you are going through. They want to share in your excitement as well as help find a solution for the challenging times of parenthood.

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Source: Allina Health Patient Education
Reviewed by: Kurt Elting-Ballard, MD

Last reviewed: 8/19/2021