Victoria Brown-Nyseth, MD
My specialties:
- Psychiatry
Professional interests:
- Adult and geriatric psychiatry
- Integrative care
- Virtual visits
Practice philosophy: My goal is to partner with patients to identify their goals and develop a treatment plan to improve quality of life.
What are you passionate about and why? I enjoy providing education to patients and their families. I feel passionate about reducing the stigma associated with mental health conditions.
- MD
Board-certified specialties
- Psychiatry
Awards and recognitions
- Chief Resident July 2011-June 2012
- Medical Student Teaching Award June 2010
Educational institutions
- University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN
- University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry, Minneapolis, MN
Years of experience
- 17
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Patient ratings and comments
A provider's ratings and comments are only posted if they have a minimum of 30 completed surveys within a 12-month period and they participate in the NRC Real Time patient experience survey with Allina Health. Learn more about the survey.
Allina Health participates in many health plan networks. Get details
about our participation in the health plans and programs listed below.
Major health plans we participate in
- Allina Health | Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
- HealthPartners
- Medica
- PreferredOne
- SelectCare/LaborCare
- UCare
- UnitedHealthcare
Other health plans we participate in
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Aetna
- America's PPO
- First Health/Coventry
- Humana
- Hennepin Health (formerly Metropolitan Health Plan)
- PrimeWest
- South Country Health Alliance
- United Behavioral Health
- Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS)
These details are subject to change. Please contact your health insurance company directly to confirm your coverage for any specific Allina
Health provider, such as a physician or nurse practitioner, or a specific facility, such as a hospital or surgical center.
Cost estimates
We can provide an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs for many common health care services. Get your estimate online or
over the phone. For an online estimate,
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account or continue as a guest.
Be sure to have your health plan ID card handy so we can factor your specific coverage into our estimate.