Daniel Keys, MD
Transplant Nephrologist
My specialties:
- Internal medicine
- Nephrology
A referral may be needed for this provider.
Professional interests:
- Evaluation of potential kidney recipients
- Kidney peri-procedural transplant
- Kidney post-transplant care
I provide complete services for kidney patients and hold certification in UNOS accredited kidney transplant fellowship. I provide care across the spectrum of transplantation including evaluation of potential recipients, peri-procedural transplant and post-transplant care.
- MD
Board-certified specialties
- Internal medicine
- Nephrology
Educational institutions
- University of Minnesota - Medical School
- American Society of Transplantation
Current licenses and certifications
- Minnesota Medical License
- University of Colorado
- University of Colorado
- University of Colorado
- UNOS accredited kidney transplant fellowship
Years of experience
- 11
Hospital affiliations
- Abbott Northwestern Hospital
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