Trauma recovery program
The Trauma Recovery Program is a 12-week, closed group. The program is geared towards people experiencing trauma-related intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmares. The program has two stages. Stage one is focused on preparation (education, coping skills, social support, etc.) for the processing of traumatic memories (five weeks). After completing the stage one group, patients can choose to continue on to the stage two portion of the program (7 weeks). During stage two, patients process traumatic memories using a group-based EMDR protocol. Groups meet three days a week for one hour. All groups are in person. Ages 18 and older only.
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What is the trauma recovery program?
The Trauma Recovery Program is a 12-week, closed group. The program is geared towards people experiencing trauma-related intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmares. The program has two stages. Stage one is focused on preparation (education, coping skills, social support, etc.) for the processing of traumatic memories (five weeks). After completing the stage one group, patients may choose to continue on to the stage two portion of the program if ready to do so (7 weeks). During stage two, patients process traumatic memories using a group-based EMDR protocol. Groups meet three days a week for one hour. All groups are in person. Ages 18 and older only.
Where is the program offered?
The Trauma Recovery Program is available at four locations – Unity (Fridley), Abbott (Minneapolis), United (St. Paul), and Cambridge (Cambridge). Start dates for each location are offered a couple times a year.
What is the group schedule?
Currently all groups meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Times are as follows:
- Unity: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Abbott: 2-3 p.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- United: 2-3 p.m.
- Cambridge: 4-5 p.m.
What is the intake process?
All referrals are sent from Allina providers via in basket message directly to Carrie Chomicz, PsyD, LP. Participants are contacted to schedule an orientation session a few months prior to the start date of a requested location or prior to the next available group. During this orientation session an assessment is completed and the program components are reviewed in detail. While this program is intensive, it is not a high level of care and does not offer support beyond the 3 one-hour group sessions per week. People experiencing severe mental health symptoms may benefit from participation in a Partial Hospitalization Program for stabilization prior to participation in the Trauma Recovery Program. Once the orientation session is complete and the program is determined to be the right fit at the right time, then participants are added to the group schedule.
Do you offer the program in-person?
Yes, all groups meet in person. No virtual group options available.
Do I have to pay for parking?
Abbott (Minneapolis) and United (St. Paul) have parking ramps with a fee. Participants in the Trauma Recovery Program receive a $3 off parking rate. Parking at Unity (Fridley) and Cambridge (Cambridge) is free.
How many people in each group?
Groups typically start with 8-10 people. The group are closed groups. No additional participants are added to the group after the first week.
Is the program covered by insurance?
Most participants use insurance to cover the cost of the groups. The program is only run at Allina’s Hospital-Based Clinics (HBCs), so an additional facility fee is also charged. This fee varies according to specific insurance plans/policies.
If you are concerned about whether this program will be covered by your specific insurance plan/policy, then please contact your carrier directly. The group is billed as a psychotherapy group with the CPT billing code of 90853 and offered at a Hospital-Based Clinic with CPT billing code of 115459.
Do you offer any gender-specific groups?
No, all groups are gender inclusive.
How many weeks is the program?
The program runs for 5-12 weeks. Stage one group runs for 5 weeks. After the stage one group, participants are assessed for readiness for the stage two group. The stage two group runs for an additional 7 weeks – same days and times. The decision to move forward to the stage two group is made in a collaborative manner between the participant and the facilitator. Most participants completing the stage one group move on to the stage two portion of the program for a total of 12 weeks.
What is the difference between the stage one group and the stage two group?
Stage one groups are focused on education about trauma and the impact of trauma, learning and practicing coping skills for safety and regulation, and utilizing group support.
Stage two groups are focused on processing traumatic memories via EMDR therapy. Most sessions in the stage two portion of the program will start with a brief check-in regarding each participant's readiness to process trauma on that specific day. Then one participant will process one trauma per group session with some time to access group support at the end of the group session. Also, some groups during stage two may focus on checking in about progress/gains and reconnecting as a group.
Do you have an attendance policy?
Attendance concerns are addressed individually with the facilitator of each group and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Our experience is that participants with high attendance tend to gain the most from the program. If a participant had to miss more than a week, especially in the first five weeks, then they may miss too much of the content to move forward to the stage two group, but we do not have a firm rule around automatic discharge after a certain number of missed sessions.
What trauma-focused intervention is used in the Trauma Recovery Program?
Eye-movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an evidence-based trauma therapy. The same standard protocol used in individual therapy is used in the Trauma Recovery Program with the addition of group support during both the preparation stage of trauma recovery and the process of integrating traumatic memories. Participants universally feel supported by group members when processing traumatic memories. Participants supporting others while they are processing memories also consistently report feeling more inspired, informed, and supported to utilize EMDR therapy after observing others utilizing the therapy. For more information about EMDR therapy visit www.emdria.org.
Do you offer groups for people who have all experienced the same traumatic experience?
No, the participants in the program present with a wide variety of traumatic experiences. During the stage one group the focus is on how people have been impacted and group members quickly find much in common regardless of the specific trauma(s), variety of trauma, or number of traumatic experiences. During the stage two group, participants focused on the processing of specific traumatic memories, more details are shared (per the comfort level of the participant) and again group members easily find relatable themes in similar thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors.
Do I have to have a PTSD diagnosis to attend this program?
Many people attending the Trauma Recovery Program have a diagnosis of PTSD, but some don’t. The program is geared towards people experiencing trauma-related intrusive memories, flashbacks, and/or nightmares. Anyone experiencing a distressing impact on emotions, behaviors, and relationships due to the overwhelm of past events is welcome to participate in this program.
Will this group resolve all my trauma-related symptoms?
Most participants experience a reduction in trauma-related symptoms, but many variables influence the trauma recovery process, so it would be difficult to predict or guarantee specific results. Many people coming to this program have been wanting to address the impact of trauma for a long time and are appreciative of this opportunity to learn about the impact of trauma, cope more effectively with trauma-related symptoms, not feel so alone or impaired, and to potentially significantly reduce the impact of a few specific traumatic memories.
What feedback have you received from participants who have completed the program?
“I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do this work. It was hard and so worth every ounce of energy and time. I was able to put myself back in my past and actually feel what I encountered, rather than skipping over it or distracting myself. I learned very useful tools for self-regulation and modifying thoughts. I experienced a concrete shift in how I perceive and experience stressful situations.”
“I gained acceptance of past trauma and the ability to move past it without it interfering with daily life to such a severe level. I really enjoyed this group.”
“I was able to put my most traumatic memory in its place so it isn’t effecting me so negatively. This has been a life changing experience for me. This was an excellent program.”
“I was able to openly put into words memories that often trigger me. I feel like a different person from the start to finish of this group.”
“I actually completed a group by choice and liked it. It was helpful to relate to the others in the group and not feel judged. It was helpful to feel heard and supported.”
“This helped me be more connected with myself. I learned to have a deeper understanding of my own feelings in order to get past my trauma. Reminded me of my humanity and gave me more self confidence in my own relationship with myself. I learned to trust me.”
“I feel braver, I’m taking more (safe) risks that were outside my window of tolerance before. Normal, everyday life got easier to face. I’m not alone.”
“I was able to dive into my trauma safely. I had the tools and support to do this. It was hard but I got through and feel better for having done so.”
“I was finally able to come to terms with what happened to me and move forward with my life. This was one of the hardest things I have done in my life, but I realize it has helped me heal.”
“I was able to talk about my trauma and go into details and feelings. I realized that trauma is similar regardless of the “what” and being part of this group helped me understand trauma. I remained sober throughout. I’m so happy to have gone through this therapy. Made a huge difference in dealing with my trauma and not feeling alone. First time in group therapy and really enjoyed it.”
“Doing this work in a group helped me feel supported as I tackled something really hard.”
“Thank you for providing this space for healing. I have been trapped by my trauma and feel there are parts of me that have had stunted development due to my trauma. I’m excited to see what life looks like through unfiltered lenses. Hopeful for new possibilities and most of all, I look forward to experiencing joy!”
“This has been an incredible gift. Thank you for helping me get to where I am today. Even though it was hard for years, I feel stronger for having gone through it because of this group.”
“The support from the group members, the validation, knowing I’m not alone in feeling the weight of the past on me were all helpful. I am now able to identify and notice others poor behavior and act accordingly.”
“I found confidence in myself that I didn’t even know I had. I’m able to leave my home easier without having to give myself a whole pep talk or calm myself down from panic.”
“The 1st stage of group is extremely beneficial to learning how to comfortably move through the EMDR work. I learned how to recognize my panic/anxiety and how to better live with it, and coping skills that I’ll never forget… extremely helpful.”
“Feeling accepted, supported, and like you’re not alone was helpful. I learned coping techniques for when anxiety/PTSD throw you out of your window of tolerance. I’m proud I worked through a traumatic memory.”
“I’m proud of picking my most traumatic memories to process through. Hearing feedback from others in the group after processing was immensely helpful.”
“My first experience with EMDR was not good as I was not properly prepared and did not have the proper coping strategies, then this time I prepared myself mentally and with the group taught coping prior and clear expectations. It is a life changing experience.”
“I was able to cope better after the traumas I have experienced and were triggered. The physical feelings I was experiencing made everyday things so hard to do. This experience helped my body understand I wasn’t in it anymore.”
“I’m proud that I am able to set and keep healthy boundaries. I learned healthier ways of dealing with the traumas I experienced. I have a better understanding of how and why I’ve developed certain coping mechanisms. Processing different traumas, connecting with others who have been through similar traumatic situations, and the support and encouragement of others who are also going through their process were helpful in this program.”
“I learned how to set and maintain boundaries. How to stand up to others crossing/disrespecting boundaries. I created a safe visual space to retreat to in times of stress/fear.”
“I have the tools to battle my trauma and I’m going to continue to learn and grow.”
“I healed a lot of childhood and adult trauma.”
“Thank you. That does not seem like enough for the way this program changed my life.”
“I learned to recognize when I am in and out of the window of tolerance. It was helpful seeing other people have similar issues even if they are derived from different traumas. Thanks, I thought the group was very helpful and set me up well to continue with my regular therapist.”
I’m proud of being able to identify triggered and develop more of a mind body connection. I was ablet o be vulnerable. It was helpful being around and learning from people who are validating and have been through trauma themselves.”
“Learning about the window of tolerance and how the brain reacts have been the most helpful/important part for me. Also doing EMDR was an amazing experience.”
“I feel proud of my vulnerability and feeling safe with other people – for real. It was helpful building and being a part of a group. Understanding, experientially, what this therapy has to offer – the change possibilities are real and I know that without any question now.”
“I was able to trust more. I was able to share my story in an authentic way with much trust put upon the space and the support of the group members that I grew to trust. This was something that was very hard for me previously. I was able to trust myself to handle situations that might arise without hypervigilance at all times. The skills building stage was really helpful in preparing us for the processing stage. I learned a great deal about EMDR and how effective it is in treating trauma. It was especially helpful to do it in a group setting as the parallel processing was greatly beneficial. I can’t say enough about this modality for treating trauma and PTSD.”
“I feel proud that I stuck with it and that I actually finished the program. I also feel like I have gained some strength and self confidence on what I shared. I also liked the first half with the grounding techniques, it led to a successful second half.”
“I learned about the window of tolerance, how to identify my emotions and where I feel them within my body. I also learned how to regulate my emotional and many more. It was helpful to process my trauma and find peace with my life experiences. I can’t believe how much progress I have made in this program.”
“I developed many useful skills and tools to help me overcome my fears and anxieties. I also feel I have completed moved past some of my traumas. It was helpful to connect with others in a group setting and processing similar traumas together seemed to be the most helpful.”
“I made friends, learned to open up about deep pain and be more proactive about my wellbeing. I think the format of the program was good. Time to learn, ground, trust, before really processing. I’m surprised by how much I learned at my age and experiences with therapy and groups in the past. I am able to experience more joy. And I am more able to express my needs and set boundaries. I also learned much from other group members.”
“I can deal with others better. I am not as anxious. The tools we were given were helpful. My first thought was what did I get myself into. I’m very thankful that I stuck with it.”
“Thank you! I am much less reactive than at the start. The most helpful was feeling normal in my experiences, sharing, showing up.”
“It was helpful knowing I’m not alone and we all are struggling. I’m proud of being able to have more control and have more dual awareness.”
Source: Allina Health Mental Health and Addiction Services
Reviewed by: Carrie Chomicz, PsyD LP
First published: 8/9/2024
Last reviewed: 10/9/2024