McKenna Johnson, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
My specialties:
- Pediatrics
- Physical therapy
Professional interests:
- Pediatric therapy
- Pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction
- Developmental disabilities
- Torticollis
- Toe walking
- Cerebral palsy
- Contract services to Stillwater School District
Practice philosophy: I am dedicated to delivering patient centered care to address the unique needs and goals of every child. My goal is to empower children and their families to achieve their fullest potential to reach their goals while making physical therapy fun.
What are you passionate about and why? I am passionate about helping children and families reach their goals while making therapy fun and engaging for children through play!
What is something you have learned from your patients? I learned to never give up from my patients. They all work so hard during their sessions and are always willing to try new or more challenging activities!
- PT
Board-certified specialties
- Physical therapy
- Pediatrics
Educational institutions
- University of North Dakota
Current licenses and certifications
- Physical Therapy License
Years of experience
- 1
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Major health plans we participate in
- Allina Health | Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
- HealthPartners
- Medica
- PreferredOne
- SelectCare/LaborCare
- UCare
- UnitedHealthcare
Other health plans we participate in
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Aetna
- America's PPO
- First Health/Coventry
- Humana
- Hennepin Health (formerly Metropolitan Health Plan)
- PrimeWest
- South Country Health Alliance
- United Behavioral Health
- Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS)