Integrative health and wellness coaching
Integrative health and wellness coaching can help you stick with an exercise plan, eat healthy, manage stress and sleep well.
Your coach will work with you to:
- explore your wellness vision
- understand what motivates you
- identify what gets in your way
- work through obstacles
You will walk away with a plan tailored just for you to set you up for success in meeting your goals.
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What to expect from wellness coaching
You can choose to meet with your coach in person or over the phone for all appointments.
Your initial appointment is typically 45 minutes. This meeting is to learn about you and your needs, and create a “Wellness Vision” – a formal document outlining your overall wellness, goals and strategies to achieve your goals.
You will typically do three to four follow-up sessions that are 30 minutes long.
At these appointments, you will evaluate your progress toward each goal, revisit strategies, and set additional or refine previous goals.
More about wellness coaching
Appointments are available Monday through Friday from early morning to early evening.
You will work with an integrative health and wellness coach who is credentialed and certified by Wellcoaches® and other nationally recognized organizations. Our coaches have vast experiences and rich backgrounds in a variety of health-related fields including counseling, nursing, nutrition science and exercise physiology.
While your coach will help with goals and motivation, they will not provide you with an exercise routine or a specific meal plan.
Wellness coaching can be good for treating
Coaching can be used for a wide array of health goals. It’s most often used to help people identify motivators, set goals and find resources around:
- exercise
- healthy foods
- better sleep
- stress management
Related links
Four steps to live a life you love
Get motivated: Tips from a health coach
Busting barriers to exercise
Source: Penny George Institute for Health and Healing
Reviewed by: Sue Masemer, MS, PT
First published: 3/7/2017
Last reviewed: 8/4/2021