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Heart transplant

Welcome to the Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Minneapolis Heart Institute® Transplant Program. Our program is honored to help grow the number of people given the special gift of organ donation. The goal of a heart transplant is to both extend your life and improve your quality of life. At the Minneapolis Heart Institute®, we believe in treating more than just your heart. We support your body, mind and spirit while providing the best care to you and your loved ones.

The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients

The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) collects information about transplants performed throughout the United States. National and transplant center-specific patient outcome data is published twice a year. This includes information regarding Abbott Northwestern Hospital’s Heart Transplant Program performance including average wait list time and patient outcomes. 

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Who we are

Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Minneapolis Heart Institute® Transplant Program was established in October, 1985. The first transplant at Abbott Northwestern Hospital was performed on October 29th, 1985. Our multidisciplinary team includes, but is not limited to, Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiologists, Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Advanced Practice Providers, Heart Transplant Nurse Coordinators, Pharmacists, Social Workers, Dieticians, and Spiritual Care Consultants. Our team also partners closely with the Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Minneapolis Heart Institute® Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Program to evaluate LVAD patient’s need/readiness for transplant.

If you are referred to Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Minneapolis Heart Institute® Transplant Program our team will first evaluate if transplant is right for you. Based on your medical history you will be scheduled for blood testing and medical imaging/testing to help assist in our evaluation. During this time, you will learn about the surgery, risks and benefits, after care, and lifestyle changes you may need to make. Once testing is complete the entire transplant multidisciplinary team meets formally to review your testing and discuss if moving forward with transplant is the best treatment option for you.

Our heart transplantation surgeries are performed at Abbott Northwestern Hospital where an amazing multidisciplinary team helps us care for our patients during their hospital stay. The hospital's services, doctors and nurses are acclaimed nationally and locally by organizations like U.S. News & World Report, The Joint Commission, the American Nurses Credentialing Center of Magnet Nursing status and more. Learn more about Abbott Northwestern Hospital's awards and recognitions.

doctor holding heart
Resources before and after a heart transplant

For more specific information about heart transplant evaluation and receiving a heart transplant, we encourage you to review our additional resources. 

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doctor on phone
How to refer a patient
  • Providers can contact Minneapolis Heart Institute for their patient to schedule a cardiovascular consultation or diagnostic procedure.
  • Hospitals looking to transfer or refer a patient, call the Access Center at 1-844-725-5462.
  • Patients can also call 612-863-3900 and ask for an appointment with the advance heart failure team.

Heart Transplant Clinic

The Heart Transplant Clinic is located within Abbott Northwestern’s Heart Hospital building. The location of our clinic allows our patients to complete required imaging, procedures, or further testing at one location before, during, and after transplant. In addition, our transplant team has access to numerous specialty consultants at Abbott Northwestern Hospital to ensure comprehensive care for our patients.