Matthew Sondag, MD
My specialties:
- Radiology
A referral may be needed for this provider.
Professional interests:
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Diagnostic Neuroradiology
Practice philosophy: Fellowship trained diagnostic radiologist.
What are you passionate about and why? I enjoy using technology-driven medicine to problem solve and improve clinical outcomes for the patient.
- MD
Board-certified specialties
- Radiology
Awards and recognitions
2023 Top Doctor Rising Stars Mpls.St.Paul Magazine
Educational institutions
- Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- American College of Radiology
Current licenses and certifications
- American Board of Radiology
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- University of Southern California - Neuroradiology
Years of experience
- 13
Hospital affiliations
- Abbott Northwestern Hospital
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Patient ratings and comments
A provider's ratings and comments are only posted if they have a minimum of 30 completed surveys within a 12-month period and they participate in the NRC Real Time patient experience survey with Allina Health. Learn more about the survey.