Mind Matters: Improving Brain Health
A new diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) can be concerning for you and your loved ones. The good news i research tells us that certain lifestyle interventions can delay or prevent further decline and can enhance your cognitive reserves.
We know that making changes is hard, and that even small shifts can have a big impact. In the Mind Matters program, we will explore MCI and brain health, the impact of nutrition and digestion, the importance of physical movement, exercising your brain, sleep, stress management, and community. You will learn what is within your control and decide what new habits you want to incorporate into your life to improve your brain health.
With the support of integrative medicine professionals and the group, you are not alone: we like to call this approach "Community is Medicine."
Learn more
What it is
Group visits are scheduled weekly over the course of 8 weeks, with each visit lasting 90 minutes. Groups will be limited to 15 people. Each visit will include:
- Check-in and connection time
- Interactive learning
- Experience self-care practices
- Identify action steps
You are welcome to invite a companion who can partner in your learning alongside you to help optimize your brain health.
Who it is for
Participant needs to have been diagnosed with MCI to participate in this program.
Get involved
AMB CONSULT to Integrative Medicine - MCI Group Visit "Mind Matters" Program
Once the referral is in, participants will receive a phone call from our office indicating next steps.
For information and to register
Fee information
Most health insurance will cover these services as standard office visits.
You are welcome to bring one companion who can attend free of charge.