Palliative care
Living each day to the fullest is so important when you have a serious illness. Palliative care can help you be as independent and comfortable as possible. It helps you and your family understand your illness and treatment choices and helps to manage symptoms that may be physical, spiritual, social or emotional.
What it is
Allina Health Palliative Care's team approach is to make certain that people with serious illness get the highest quality of care in any care setting. This approach sometimes decreases the length of hospital stays and eliminates unnecessary emergency room visits. It can also ease transitions between the hospital, nursing home and other care settings.
Palliative care is provided throughout your illness, in conjunction with active medical treatments. If needed, we can help with a transition to hospice.
Good to know
You may choose to receive palliative care services at home, in the clinic, hospital, or in other types of care settings. You and your loved ones will have telephone access to a nurse 24 hours a day.
Our team will provide consultation to your regular physician who will continue to manage your care.
What to expect
Our palliative care specialists have expertise in treating symptoms associated with serious or life-threatening illness. Our care team includes many specialists who work with you to improve your quality of life.
You and your family can talk with your Palliative Care team about treatments, medications, troublesome symptoms or side effects, quality of life, spiritual and emotional concerns, treatment preferences, advanced care planning, and life goals. Your palliative care team will work alongside other members of your care team to manage your care together.
Good for treating
Treatments may include:
- counseling
- family meetings
- integrative therapies
- referrals to mental health providers
- support groups
- Advanced Care Planning
- Symptom management