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Lab tests guide

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Sampling of chorionic villus
This test studies a sample of chorionic villus, which is a part of the placenta (the organ that nourishes the baby during pregnancy). This test is used to identify certain birth...
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Schilling test
This test measures how well the body absorbs vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal (digestive) tract[1][2]. This test is performed using a 24-hour urine sample, and certain medi...
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Screening for occult blood in feces
This test detects occult (hidden) blood in stool. This test is used to evaluate and manage gastrointestinal disorders and cancers of the rectum and colon[1][2].
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Sedimentation rate
This test measures the distance that erythrocytes (red blood cells) fall from the top of a vertical tube over one hour. It is used to evaluate and manage inflammatory conditions...
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Serologic test for Aspergillus
This test detects and measures the amount of Aspergillus antigens and antibodies in blood[1][2][3][4][5]. This test is used to help diagnose fungal infections caused by Aspergil...
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Serologic test for Blastomyces
This test detects and measures antibodies to Blastomyces in blood. Blastomyces is a type of fungus. This test is used to evaluate for blastomycosis fungal infection[1][2].
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Serologic test for Candida
This test detects antibodies against a type of fungus called Candida in blood[1]. This test is used when a condition called disseminated candidiasis is suspected[2].
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Serologic test for Coxiella burnetii
This test measures antibodies in the blood to a bacteria called Coxiella burnetii, which causes Q fever. This test is used to evaluate and manage Q fever and related diseases[1]...
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Serum 5-nucleotidase measurement
This test measures the amount of an enzyme called 5'-nucleotidase in blood. This test is used to help evaluate and manage suspected diseases of the liver. It is also used when c...
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Serum C reactive protein level
This test measures the amount of C-reactive protein in blood. The body makes C-reactive protein when inflammation is present[1].
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Serum alkaline phosphatase measurement
This test measures the amount of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in blood. It is used to evaluate bone disease and liver disease[1].
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Serum amikacin measurement
This test measures the amount of an antibiotic drug called amikacin in blood[1][2][3]. It is used to monitor blood levels of amikacin during treatment and when an overdose is su...
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Serum amiodarone measurement
This test measures the amount of amiodarone in blood. Amiodarone is a type of heart medication called an antiarrhythmic. This test is used to monitor therapeutic levels of the m...
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Serum androstenedione measurement
This test measures the amount of androstenedione (a steroid sex hormone) in blood. This test is used when virilizing syndromes in women (conditions where females develop male se...
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Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme measurement
This test measures the amount of an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme in blood. It is used to evaluate diseases such as sarcoidosis, suspected leprosy[1][2][3][4][5][6...
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Serum apolipoprotein A-I measurement
This test measures the amount of apolipoprotein A-1, a protein that that helps form HDL (good) cholesterol[1], in blood. It is used to evaluate if an individual is at risk of ha...
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Serum apolipoprotein B measurement
This test measures the amount of apolipoprotein B, a protein that helps form LDL (bad) cholesterol[1], in blood. It is used to evaluate if a person is at risk of having coronary...
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Serum calcium measurement
This test measures how much calcium is in blood. It is used to assess and manage disorders affecting calcium metabolism (the way the body obtains, transports, uses and disposes ...
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Serum ceruloplasmin measurement
This test measures the amount of a copper-containing protein called ceruloplasmin in blood. It is used to evaluate and manage disorders related to copper[1][2], such as suspecte...
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Serum chloride measurement
This test measures the amount of chloride in blood. Chloride is an ion found naturally in the body. This test is used to help diagnose certain suspected and known conditions suc...
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Serum cholesterol measurement
This test measures the total amount of cholesterol in blood. This test is part of a "cardiovascular risk profile" which may help assess for an increased risk of heart and blood ...
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Serum cortisol measurement
This test measures the amount of a hormone called cortisol in blood. This test is used to help diagnose adrenal gland dysfunction caused by conditions such as Addison's disease ...
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Serum creatine kinase measurement
This test measures the amount of creatine kinase in blood. It is used to evaluate tissue damage, particularly muscle tissue[1]. This test may be used when conditions including r...
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Serum dehydroepiandrosterone measurement
This test measures the amount of a hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in blood. It is used to evaluate adrenal gland dysfunction[1].
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Serum dibucaine number
This test calculates dibucaine number in blood. Dibucaine is an agent that reduces or stops the activity of an enzyme called cholinesterase. The dibucaine number assesses pseudo...
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Serum erythropoietin measurement
This test measures the amount of erythropoietin in blood. It is used to help diagnose certain disorders of erythrocyte (red blood cell) production[1][2][3].
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Serum estradiol measurement
This test measures the amount of estradiol in blood. Estradiol is a type of hormone called estrogen. This test may be used for conditions such as amenorrhea[1]. This test may al...
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Serum ferritin measurement
This test measures the amount of ferritin in blood. Ferritin is the body's major iron storage protein. This test is used to evaluate iron stores in the body, and monitor the bod...
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Serum flecainide level
This test measures the amount of flecainide in blood. Flecainide is a heart medication used to treat an irregular heartbeat. This test is used to monitor treatment with flecaini...
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Serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement
This test measures the amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in blood. This test is used to assess and manage disorders of the endocrine glands[1], including suspected in...
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Serum free triiodothyronine measurement
This test measures the amount of free triiodothyronine (T3) in blood. It is used to evaluate and manage disorders of the thyroid gland[1][2].
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Serum fructosamine measurement
This test measures the amount of fructosamine in blood. Fructosamine is the product of a reaction between glucose (sugar) and albumin (protein). This test is used to evaluate th...
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Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement
This test measures the amount of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) in blood. It is used to assess and manage liver or bile duct problems. It may also be used to screen for suspec...
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Serum glomerular basement membrane antibody level
This test detects antibodies to the glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) in blood. It is used to evaluate suspected anti-GBM disorders, such as glomerulonephritis and Goodpas...
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Serum haptoglobin measurement
This test measures the concentration of haptoglobin in blood. It is used to help diagnose and manage blood disorders, including blood transfusion reaction and hemolytic anemia[1...
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Serum ketone level
This test measures the amount of ketones in blood. It is used to evaluate and manage ketone-producing disorders[1][2][3][4], such as uncontrolled diabetes[5][2][6][7] and alcoho...
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Serum lipase measurement
This test measures the amount of lipase in blood. It is used to evaluate problems with pancreatic function[1].
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Serum lithium measurement
This test measures the amount of lithium in blood. It is used to monitor treatment with lithium, or evaluate for a toxic level of lithium in the body[1][2][3][4][5].
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Serum potassium measurement
This test measures the amount of potassium in blood. It is used to diagnose and manage disorders that affect the potassium balance in the body. Renal (kidney) disorders are the...
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Serum prealbumin level
This test measures the amount of prealbumin in blood[1]. It is used to evaluate suspected poor nutritional status, and manage people who have a known nutritional deficiency[2][1...
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Serum prolactin measurement
This test measures the amount of a hormone called prolactin in blood. It is used to evaluate and manage conditions such as pituitary adenomas (tumors)[1][2], seizure conditions[...
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Serum protein electrophoresis
This test measures and sorts proteins in blood into groups based on similar features. This test is used to evaluate and manage neoplastic conditions such as plasma cell dyscrasi...
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Serum quantitative HCG measurement
This test measures the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in blood. It is used to diagnose pregnancy, and evaluate and manage problems during pregnancy. This test may ...
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Serum theophylline level
This test measures the level of a bronchodilator drug called theophylline in blood. Bronchodilators open up the airways to assist breathing. This test is used to monitor blood l...
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Serum total T4 measurement
This test measures the total amount of a thyroid hormone (thyroxine or T4) in blood. It is used to evaluate how well the thyroid gland is working[1].
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Serum total cholesterol measurement
This test measures the total amount of cholesterol in blood. This test is part of a "cardiovascular risk profile" which may help assess for an increased risk of heart and blood ...
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Serum total protein measurement
This test measures the amount of total protein in blood. It is used to help evaluate disorders affecting albumin or immunoglobulin levels[1], including suspected monoclonal gamm...
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Serum unconjugated bilirubin measurement
This test measures the amount of unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin in blood. It is used to help evaluate and manage certain conditions of the blood, liver, and gallbladder[1].
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Serum uric acid measurement
This test measures the amount of uric acid in blood. It is used to evaluate nucleoprotein metabolism (how proteins in the cells are obtained, transported, used and disposed of i...
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Serum vitamin B12 measurement
This test measures the amount of vitamin B12 in blood. This test is used to assess vitamin B12 deficiency due to poor dietary intake or problems absorbing vitamin B12[1].
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Serum vitamin K measurement
This test measures the amount of vitamin K in blood. This test is used to assess for vitamin K deficiency[1].
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Sickle cell identification, solubility method
This test is detects hemoglobin S or other sickling hemoglobins in blood. This test may be used when sickle cell trait or disease is suspected[1][2][2][3][4].
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Sickling test
This test detects if a red blood cell inappropriately changes into a sickle shape (crescent shape) after a blood sample is mixed with a chemical that will reduce the amount of o...
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Smooth muscle antibody measurement
This test detects a specific antibody in blood. It may be used when certain liver diseases are suspected[1], including autoimmune hepatitis[1][2][3].
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Sodium measurement, serum
This test measures the amount of sodium (salt) in blood. It is used to diagnose and manage water and electrolyte disorders. These disorders include high[1] or low[2][3] levels ...
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Soluble transferrin receptor test
This test measures the concentration of soluble transferrin receptor in blood. When body cells are low in iron, the body produces more transferrin receptor. This test is used if...
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Stool culture
This test detects and screens for certain microorganisms which cause intestinal diseases from a culture of stool[1]. This test is used when infectious gastroenteritis is suspect...
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Synovial fluid analysis
This test detects characteristics of synovial fluid (fluid around the joints) such as the volume, color, or clarity. It is also used to measure biochemical parameters of synovia...