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Wheelchair Rugby

Wheelchair rugby is similar to wheelchair basketball, but hold onto your chair!

Wheelchair rugby is a fast-paced, competitive sport. Also called quad rugby, wheelchair rugby is played in more than 25 countries around the world. Teams usually play indoors on a hardwood court. The sport includes elements from wheelchair basketball, hockey and handball. It's a great opportunity to get wild with others with limited function in all four limbs.

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Who it is for

To participate, you must have a disability that includes at least some loss of function in all four limbs. This may include spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, amputation, muscular dystrophy, polio and other neurological conditions. All players must meet minimum disability criteria and be classifiable under the sport classification rules, governed by the US Paralympics and USA Wheelchair Rugby Association.

Good to know

  • Beginners are welcome.

  • The season is from October – April. However, it’s never too late to join! Please call to inquire.

  • The team travels to tournaments and games out of state.

  • All equipment is provided.


Get involved

To volunteer, contact CKRI Volunteer Services at 612-775-2727.

For information and to register

Contact information

Romaus Mesa
Phone: 312-869-2503

Fee information

See registration link for fee information.

No participant will be turned away due to financial hardships. Cost sharing and scholarships are available upon request. Contact for more information.

What to bring

All equipment is provided.

Related links